Serving Christ, Serving Others
One of our Core Commitments at Grace is that disciples of Jesus should be involved in loving service. This service takes on many forms for different types of people. We want to encourage you to be involved in serving Jesus in your community and in the church. We also believe that as we serve together, we grow closer to God and to each other. On this page you will find the opportunities we are currently aware of where you can plug in and serve with us.

Current Service Needs
Food Pantry Collection

In our connection with the Quakertown Food Pantry we are collecting new reusable shopping bags and canned food items including spinach, green beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and fruit. Your donations can be placed in the clear bins by the main entrance of the church building.

We are looking for volunteers to train and serve in our nursery on Sunday mornings. Those interested in helping in this ministry must have their state clearances before they can begin serving. If you want to be involved in the nursery program,

We have recently gone through a technological upgrade at Grace and are looking for willing servants to be trained to operate the sound system, screens and live stream equipment. You do not need prior experience, just a servant's heart and desire to learn. Email the church office if you are interested